Upjers Solitaire v1.0.74[update].apk

Upjers Solitaire v1.0.74[update].apk
Rozmiar 44,9 MB

Brak testu.
Android O/S :2.3 i nowsze.
Aktualizacja :30 stycznia 2015 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
What's in this version :

* smaller Bugfixes.
Cechy gry :

* Try to get all of your cards onto the discard pile.
* Put down a certain number of cards, without resorting to drawing from the stack.
* Lay down cards within a certain time limit.
* Master exciting levels.
* Earn points and bronze, silver and gold stars.

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • marekfurjan.xlx.pl